“As one in faith we learn and grow.”
The school forms an integral part of the faith community of the Parish of St. Kevin’s Hampton Park and the wider community of the region of Lynbrook and Lyndhurst. St. Francis de Sales Primary School, Lynbrook opened in January 2010.

We believe in the potential and capacity of each child and that our partnership, when you enrol your child, is a privilege.
We desire the full flourishing of each child and we embrace their giftedness, supporting them to be the best they can be. We passionately create the opportunities for our young people to excel as learners, enlightened by faith, animated by love and filled with hope for their unique capacity to make a difference. As our patron saint St. Francis de Sales said,
“Be who you are and be that perfectly well.”
At St. Francis de Sales we hold the care, safety and wellbeing of children entrusted in our care as a central and fundamental responsibility of our school. We are a happy, inclusive community, where respectful relationships and positive behaviors are the foundation for learning and daily interaction. Respect, Responsibility and Kindness are the expected behaviours that are explicitly taught and lived across the school each day. We encourage our children to be confident and resilient, excited about exploring their potential as learners.
Personalised Learning
Teaching is personalised to meet each child’s learning needs and ability. Teachers assess each child’s learning development to target teaching to a student’s actual learning level. Our student’s age or year level are not barriers for learning extension or intervention.
High Standards
We nurture a growth mindset, supporting our students to achieve their next learning goals and develop proficiency both independently and collaboratively. We aim high to provide the opportunities to empower students as life-long learners, critical, creative thinkers who will ultimately contribute to society as thoughtful and responsible citizens.
While we take a holistic approach and believe NAPLAN (National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy) is not the only measure of success, we’re proud to have trend results that are generally at or above the state mean.
Our 2022 NAPLAN results were the best in the local area and places us in the top 25% of Victorian schools. Our results are consistently of a high standard.
Excellent Contemporary Facilities
Our school has been purposefully designed on best practice and based of educational research. We have excellent facilities with permanent, purpose built connected indoor and outdoor learning spaces. Our contemporary environment encourage fluid and flexible use to target learning needs seamlessly at the point of need and to differentiate in response to different learning styles. Our fully air-conditioned learning spaces provide the possibilities of working collaboratively or independently enabling ease of access to resources. Our Multi-Purpose Hall with a full sized basketball court was opened in August 2023.
We embrace parents as partners in the learning journey for their child. We are committed to building our relationship and partnership with you to ensure the very BEST outcomes for your child. Being engaged will help your child to flourish.
We’d Love to Welcome You and Your Child
Please book a tour or call our school office on 87736700. We look forward to meeting with you.
Come and visit us and see our school in action on a normal day.
Best wishes
Christine White
St. Francis de Sales Catholic Primary School